Top 20 NuGet connect Packages

IdentityAdmin.EntityFramework is a persistence layer for IdentityAdmin configuration data that uses EntityFramework as it's database abstraction.
IdentityServer3 Access Token Validation Integration Library for ASP.NET 5
Entity Framework Core persistence layer for IdentityServer4. Contains original work and that of other GitHub repositories.
Access token validation middleware for JWT and reference tokens issued by IdentityServer3, based on JWT 5, Owin 4 and IdentityModel 3. Does not support BackchannelHttpHandler/BackchannelCertificateValidator/IntrospectionHttpHandler
Entity Framework 7 persistence layer for IdentityServer3
IdentityServer3 Integration Library for ASP.NET Core
Entity Framework-based persistence layer for IdentityServer3,with MySql
MongoDB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Linq To DB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Identity Server 4 Persistance Storage with AWS DynamoDB
EntityFramework persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Marten persistence layer for IdentityServer4 using PostgreSQL as a document store
HTTP Proxy support for C# using System.Net.TcpClient. Expected to work on all NetStandard platforms.
MongoDB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
A WPF Canvas which allows easy connecting elements. Each element on the canvas can have zero or multiple in and outputs. These inputs and outputs will snap together.
ASP.NET Core authentication handler to validate messages signed with an asymmetric authentication scheme
Allows to chain proxy servers in order to reach a given network target. Supports HTTP CONNECT and SOCKS proxy servers.