Top 20 NuGet configuration Packages

ConfigEasy let you initialize static fields of a class with appSettings of a configuration file. It can manage different format and any configuration file with the appSettings section.
A library to get app settings
Consul-based configuration and discovery for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
Console host for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
Logging as simple as it can be.
A convention that will resolve classes with names ending in "Settings" using Its.Configuration.
Common components for building a web based platform.
General-purpose Data Description Language
Toolset for accessing Key/Value based configuration settings in an application.
An implementation of ServiceStack IAppSettings interface that uses key/value store as backing storage
ASP.Net 5 Configuration helper for getting settings from an Azure App Service into the ConfigurationBuilder
A basic configuration model abstraction designed to simplify development by allowing changes in underlying configuration at any time.
Simple .NET Strongly-typed Application Configuration with YAML
Json Configuration Manager is a small library to instantiate objects from JSON files. GitHub
Tweak is a library that helps you to create strongly typed settings read from different sources e.g. appsettings, json etc.
RevStack shared configuration settings.