Top 20 NuGet configuration Packages

Integration which utilizes Consul and pandora to setup configurations
This library is developed to provide similar functionality to Java's java.util.Properties class. It allows for the flat storing of name-value pairs in XML
Pioneer Code: .NET Core Console Application with dependency injection, logging & configuration
Configuration utilities for .NET
Easiest way you'll ever write settings for your app. This library is built to be modular and one-liner exploiting the powerful serialization capabilities of Json.NET out of the box without any mapping necessary to serialize nested custom objects, dictionaries and lists.
Simply Data Accesss Layer for EntityFramework with some helpfull features.
Util - Configuration files - Command line options - Tools and server application framework
In .Net 4.7.1, the configuration system allows applications to use ConfigurationBuilders to build up and modify configuration at runtime when it is loaded. This package provides a base framework to ease development of basic key/value configuration builders.
Feature flag utilities for .NET - based on etsy and reddit feature flag implementations.
Fluent configuration for Json.NET v9 library. Tried to follow Fluent NHibernate mapping style. Implemented as converter and contract resolver.
Fluent configuration for Json.NET v11-beta3 library. Tried to follow Fluent NHibernate mapping style. Implemented as converter and contract resolver.
Fluent configuration for Json.NET v10 library. Tried to follow Fluent NHibernate mapping style. Implemented as converter and contract resolver.
A configuration source for ConfygureOut that loads configuration values from ConfigR files
Anetta is a tool for extending Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI capabilities with annotations.