Top 20 NuGet compress Packages

7z c# extractor and compressor
Compressor is a lightweight and powerful android image compression library. Compressor will allow you to compress large photos into smaller sized photos with very less or negligible loss in quality of the image.
An Easy-to-Use and Optimized compression library for .NET that unified several compression algorithms including LZ4, Snappy, Zstd, LZMA, Brotli, GZip, ZLib, and Deflate. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage.
An Easy-to-Use and Optimized compression library for .NET that unified several compression algorithms including LZ4, Snappy, Zstd, LZMA, Brotli, GZip, ZLib, and Deflate. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage.
An Easy-to-Use and Optimized compression library for .NET that unified several compression algorithms including LZ4, Snappy, Zstd, LZMA, Brotli, GZip, ZLib, and Deflate. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage.
An Easy-to-Use and Optimized compression library for .NET that unified several compression algorithms including LZ4, Snappy, Zstd, LZMA, Brotli, GZip, ZLib, and Deflate. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage.
An Easy-to-Use and Optimized compression library for .NET that unified several compression algorithms including LZ4, Snappy, Zstd, LZMA, Brotli, GZip, ZLib, and Deflate. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage.
An Easy-to-Use and Optimized compression library for .NET that unified several compression algorithms including LZ4, Snappy, Zstd, LZMA, Brotli, GZip, ZLib, and Deflate. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage.
Compress JS, CSS and optimise PNG files in your Web project on Publish. Combine JS and CSS into single files and remove references from your layout pages. Uses YUI Compressor for .Net for JS and CSS and PNGOUT.EXE Web Crop Image Control allows developers to build image cropping functionality easily on their projects. You can seamlessly crop images and yet provide your visitors the most user friendly web interface by simply doing drag and drop in your projects.
An ms build task that can: compresses images into a single image, and then creates a css file to split image into sprites; compresses js into a single file, and css into a single file.
After adding this NuGet package to your Visual Studio Package project the build process will be updated and the .vsix file created will be compressed. The % of compression varies from project to project, but its common to see results from 40-70%. By having a smaller .vsix file when users...
Reduce the number of HTTP requests required to render the page, resulting in faster page loads by combining and compressing multiple JavaScripts and stylesheets.
A module that compresses js into a single file, and css into a single file. More then likely you really want an msbuild task to do this. Get nuget package Talifun.Crusher.MsBuild if this is the case.
FxSocket ZIP is a library for .NET which let you add file compression and decompression capability to your .NET applications. It can be integrated into WinForms, Console, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, UWP, WPF, MVC, and ASP.NET. It does not depend on any 3rd party tools or libraries. . It supports ...
lz4 pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the native implementation of LZ4FrameStream. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
Classes to help Compress.
An extension for the ClientDependency framework to support .Less (dotless)
Combine and compress your Css files according to Paris style that it's called Paristyle.