Top 20 NuGet components Packages

Shared visual components for Xamarin Forms
Enferno component library that helps the developer implement common views and scenarios such as shopping basket, product and checkout in a easy way.
Producing rendering code for SkiaSharp can be extremely verbose and repetitive. SkiaSharp.Components are higher level view that makes declarations more concise with components..
iOS and Android modular and customizable controls and components for developers
This package includes Windows.Media.Capture like APIs cross-platform such as: - CameraCaptureUI for providing a full window UI for capturing video and photos from a camera.
The Wojdav Bootstrap Mvc is a set of ASP.NET MVC UI components and a toolset used to create them. The components are based on well-known Bootstrap 4 and dedicated to ASP.NET Core MVC and ASP.NET MVC 5 frameworks. A toolset consists of a fast parser of HTML code and classes allowing the manipulation...
A Bootstrap 4 modal dialog for Asp.NET Blazor.
Dotnet Utilities Components
Use Webpack by just adding <webpack /> to your Razor Pages. (R )azor (W )ebpack (C )omponents is a package that gives you a modern JavaScript / CSS experience when developing with Razor Pages. RWC seamlessly allows you to use the popular static bundler Webpack with Razor p...
A .NET Standard metapackage for card and board game functionality and components, such as dice and cards.
The control library IToolS® (Industrial Component Tool Suite) is the answer to the interaction difficulties experienced by devices wishing to communicate via a common protocol. IToolS® is a software library containing its own communication drivers for the most popular devices used in the field of i...
Nevron Open Vision for .NET is a suite of advanced UI components and controls that helps you develop feature-rich Web (Blazor WebAssenbly) and Desktop (WinForms, WPF, Xamarin.Mac) applications from a single code base. The suite includes: * UI Controls - buttons, check boxes, labels, date pickers,...