Top 20 NuGet componentone Packages

ComponentOne BarCode for WPF.
Toolbar for WPF is a library for creating custom toolbars for organizing buttons in your application.
TileView for WPF is a unique UI control that lets users interactively browse through your data by expanding and collapsing tiles to view more or less information.
Tiles for WPF makes it easy to replicate the Windows 8 and Windows 10 start menu tile UI experience in your desktop apps.
ComponentOne WhistlerBlue Theme for WPF
ComponentOne ShinyBlue Theme for WPF
This library allow using any C1.DataCollection as the source of any WPF control by implementing ICollectionView. Commonly Used Types: C1.WPF.DataCollection.C1CollectionView C1.WPF.DataCollection.C1CollectionViewDataCollection
DataCollection provides cross-platform data features like sorting, grouping and filtering. Commonly Used Types: C1.Win.DataCollection.ListViewEx
DataCollection provides cross-platform data features like sorting, grouping and filtering.
DataCollection provides .Net iOS support for data features like sorting, grouping and filtering with the UITableView and UICollectionView controls. It enables support for advanced features such as pull-to-refresh and incremental, on-demand loading.
DataCollection.EntityFramework allows using entity framework as the source of controls supporting C1.DataCollection. Commonly Used Types: C1.DataCollection.EntityFrameworkCore.C1EntityFrameworkCoreVirtualDataCollection C1.DataCollection.EntityFrameworkCore.C1EntityFrameworkCoreCursorDataCo...
DataCollection.AdoNet allows using ADO.NET data providers as the source of controls supporting C1.DataCollection. Commonly Used Types: C1.DataCollection.AdoNet.C1AdoNetVirtualDataCollection C1.DataCollection.AdoNet.C1AdoNetCursorDataCollection
DataCollection provides .Net Android support for data features like sorting, grouping and filtering with the RecyclerView and ListView controls. It enables support for advanced features such as pull-to-refresh and incremental, on-demand loading.
DataCollection provides Xamarin.Mac support for data features like sorting, grouping and filtering with the NSTableView control. It enables support for advanced features such as pull-to-refresh and incremental, on-demand loading.
DataCollection.BindingList allows using any IBindingListView, including DataTable views, as the source of controls supporting C1.DataCollection. Commonly Used Types: C1.DataCollection.BindingList.C1DataCollectionBindingList
Provides print preview controls for C1Report. Note that C1Report is legacy and replaced by FlexReport and FlexViewer.
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.OData is an entity framework core based database object mapper for OData service.
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.D365S is an entity framework core based database object mapper for Dynamics 365 for Sales.
C1.AdoNet.D365S is an ADO.NET based data provider for Dynamics 365 for Sales.
ComponentOne MaterialDark Theme for WPF