Top 20 NuGet compiler Packages

React Joyride (react-joyride) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Parse Mockdb (parse-mockdb) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Node Ipc (node-ipc) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Lime JS (lime-js) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery Mousewheel (jquery-mousewheel) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Google Closure Compiler (google-closure-compiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Allows BaristaCore to be used in conjunction with ASP.Net core to provide Azure Functions or AWS Lambda like functionality within your own web application. For more information, visit the wiki at
Allows BaristaCore to be used in conjunction with ASP.Net core to provide Azure Functions or AWS Lambda like functionality within your own web application. For more information, visit the wiki at
Node Pushnotifications (node-pushnotifications) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Rx binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A shared package used by the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn + Conan") including support for analyzing projects and solutions. Do not install this package manually, it will be added as a prerequisite by other packages that require it. More details at
Este pacote é parte do pacote SoftmakeAll.SDK Este pacote fornece apoio para Reflection e compilação de código dinâmico de bibliotecas .NET Standard.
NOTE: A custom Roslyn compiler that allows access to internals/privates in other assemblies. Note: This package is deprecated. Please use OpenSesame.Net.Compilers.Toolset instead. CoreCLR-compatible versions of the C# and VB compilers for use in MSBuild. More details at https...
NOTE: A custom Roslyn compiler that allows access to internals/privates in other assemblies. .NET Compilers Toolset Package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the C# and Visual Basic compilers contained in the package, as opposed to the version installed ...
An F# to JavaScript compiler.
Yield - The simplest ASP.NET Static Site Generator (a.k.a. flattener). You just need to make a few minor tweaks to your site configuration, and you're set to generate static HTML.