Top 20 NuGet compiler Packages

Cleans the .csproj file for a Bridge project.
Blistering-fast Handlebars.js templates in your .NET application.
Additional DLL for legacy compat for the F# compiler service.
Library for converting .NET models to different script languages.
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for working with Visual Studio text buffers. More details at This package was built from the source at
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for Visual Studio. More details at This package was built from the source at
BundleTransformer.Closure contains two minifier-adapters for minification of JS code: `ClosureRemoteJsMinifier` and `ClosureLocalJsMinifier`. These adapters perform minification by using the Google Closure Compiler.
Easy infrastructure can replace F#'s AST at compile time.
Node binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Babel Core (babel-core) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A shared package used by the Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn + Conan"). Do not install this package manually, it will be added as a prerequisite by other packages that require it. More details at This package was built from the sour...
XComponent Servicefull Build Community Edition. Unleash the power of microservices.
The library for compile and evaluate custom expressions. Implementation for .NET Standard 2.0.
Patched roslyn for memes More details at This package was built from the source at
This package contains the required metadata to use jQuery with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the jQuery import library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
Runtime library for projects compiled with Saltarelle.Compiler. This is a slightly modified version of the Script# runtime library by Nikhil Kothari (
Efficient compiler of .NET expression trees
This package is a rebuild of the Roslyn compiler to allows access to internals/privates in other assemblies.. This package can be used to compile code targeting any platform, but can only be run using the desktop .NET 4.7.2+ Full Framewor...
Microsoft Research Common Compiler Infrastructure (CCI) is a set of libraries and an application programming interface (API) that supports some of the functionality that is common to compilers and related programming tools. CCI is used primarily by applications that create, modify or analyze .NET po...
The F# Charting Gtk library (FSharp.Charting.Gtk.dll) is a cross-platform variation of of FSharp.Charting. It can be used on Windows, OSX and other platforms supporting Gtk. See also th library for cross-platform charting.