Top 20 NuGet common Packages

Collection of useful classes for your .NET application: Object Pool, Thread Pool, Queue Async Processor, BlockingQueue, DiskQueue, ThreadSetManager, Throttling, Semaphore, EntryCounteringEvent, Collections, ReadOnlyCollections, IoC, WeakEvent and other.
.NET Framework 4.6 of Narato Common library
AspNet Core Localization using SQL database for KEY-VALUE pair and share common storage for both SERVER and Client App. This repository, SQL Localization, inspired by Damien Bod's -, AspNetCore Localization project.
Enterprise Library Shared Library
Set of common .NET utility classes.
MultiTenancyServer core library.
EsWork Libraries
EsWork Libraries
This library is region-based interest management.
Extensiones y utilidades comunes compartidas en los proyectos.
A set of common extensions and utilities for .NET
Templates to use when creating common files.
Lanymy.Common.Helpers.All 通用辅助类库. 序列化 ; 压缩 ; 数据流加密 ; 文件操作 ; 枚举扩展 ; 沙盒操作 ; 进程 ; 二维码 ; 反射 ; 版本 ; 流水号 ; 验证码 ; CMD命令行操作器 ; ffmpeg辅助类 ; 加密/解密 ;
A library that I tend to create for just about every project... contains extensions and other things that I find useful, you might too (or maybe not).
Provides custom types, helpers and extension methods for Visual Studio extensibility, particularly its Team Foundation part.
A set of common classes and extensions used to help RAD process