Top 20 NuGet common Packages
.Net 常用与扩展
Sofenia search engine's common library (managed). Go to
.Net Core 常用与扩展
Package Description
In the programming world the developers must have to note some common functions/methods into somewhere in mind or maintain notebook. This AT.Common library provides those kind of common functions/methods and it reduces 30% developers coding time. I am not saying that AT.Common libary has provided ve...
EsWork Libraries
Provides a set of common classes to do simple and approximate benchmarks.
Simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
EsWork Libraries
Scriban based template renderer for PostOffice, a simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
This is the common library for the Ocelot.Extensions.* packages.
ahph pbi commom
C# common library
C# Selenium library
Set of common functions for starting new ASP.NET Core projects.
.NET Core C# common library