Top 20 NuGet common Packages

Provides base class with generic methods for testing
Common base classes for writing enterprise application
Provides custom types, helpers and extension methods for Visual Studio extensibility.
CommonSerializer.Jil Class Lib rary
CommonSerializer.MsgPack.Cli Class Library
CommonSerializer.Newtonsoft Class Library
CommonSerializer.Protobuf-net Class Library
TypeScript toolkit including for example comparers, validators and converters.
Common utilities, extensions, and data structures.
LeadPipe.Net is a collection of common business objects. LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read more about the LeadPipe.Net library at
Package Description
# Encryption Classe responsável por criptografar e descriptografar dados ou mensagens.
Nequeo OAuth client component
Nequeo search client common component
OpenShare.Net Repository Library. All repositories are tightly coupled to Entity Framework. Primary Keys have their own generic types to make creating new repositories easy, and for allowance of composite keys. Many basic Id based repositories for different types already exist and can be used as exa...
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.