Top 20 NuGet commandline Packages

This is a command line parser.
C# library to run external programs in a saner manner
Component Parameterisation for C#
Package Description
Handle commandline arguments
Provides attributes used to annotate your code in order to provide additional information to the Augurk.CSharpAnalyzer.
CommandLine parser
Provide tool for create command line interface for C# projects
A fast and reliable .NET command line parser Supported platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5.2+ - .NET Framework 4.6.2+ - .NET Standard 2.0+ - .NET Core 3.0+
A .NET Core Global Tool for interacting with the open source living documentation system Augurk
A parser with usage builder for CUI command line parameters and options. .NET Standard
Package Description
A library to make the creation of .Net Command Line Application as simple as possible. Let this library take care of the wiring so you can focus on building your application.
loads ini, xml configuration files and command line configurations
loads ini, xml configuration files and command line configurations
Just install and run 'figlet lorem ipsum' to figlettize the given text. Supports around 150 figlet fonts.
Set of helpers to make working with command line processes easier
The executable command for CoreCmd
A parsing class to greatly simplify working with command line arguments in loosely coupled and generic way for a .Net application (e.g. console, client, or even web application).
Package Description