Top 20 NuGet command-line Packages
CLASP stands for Command-Line Argument Sorting and Parsing - CLASP.NET is the .NET version.
The main features are:
* parsing of a command-line (string[]) into flags, options, and values;
* support of flag/option aliases, via specifications;
* support for "--option=value" and "--option", "value" fo...
RubLE4.NET Core components
The purpose of this library is to simplify and unify the
mundane task of command line parsing and validating on
Windows and Linux systems.
Please check the project website for further documentation.
Sln.AddCsproj is a dotnet tools allows you to add all csproj file to the solution file on the current folder.
Features a MVP framework largely inspired by WebFormsMvp. Contrary to WebFormsMvp, it is not restricted to the WebForms platform; nevertheless, featurewise, it should be on par with it.
Samples are available on the project web site.
A small Command Line Interpreter
Command-line progress bar that can go backwards
A command-line parameter mapping library.
It maps command-line parameters to parameters of the entry method in a custom application class.
Supported parameter types: String, Int32, Int64, Double, Single and Boolean.
Supported parameter kinds: Direct, Entity (Put all parameters in a class).
This library is used to easily develop .NET/Mono shell applications, providing command line parsing, execution context, and other functionalities to design interactive console applications.
A POSIX-like command line argument parser.
A Command Line Library for Dotnet
Simple and lightweight command-line parser. Supports regular arguments, flag arguments and extended arguments (in the form: -mode:extArg). Arguments, flag arguments, and extended arguments can all be wrapped in quotes in order to include whitespace. Now targets .NET Standard 2.0 or .NET 5.0 and supp...
A Microsoft .NET Standard library to manage command line jobs.
A class that parses command-line/ClickOnce activation URI parameters.
Deveel CLI was started as the port to .NET/Mono of the Apache Commons-CLI, but evolved later into a more complete framework for helping developers to easily intercept command-line configuration switches from user input.
Provides an easy way to convert command-line arguments into an instance of user-defined class.
PDFtk Server is a command-line tool for working with PDFs.