Top 20 NuGet cognitive Packages

Microsoft Cognitive Service Vision API Client Library for .NET Core
Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API Client Library for .NET Core.
Microsoft Cognitive Services Emotion Recognition Client Library for .NET Core
Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API Client Library
Microsoft Cognitive Services Content Moderator API Client Library for .NET Core
Smith EPiServer Cognitive Service
Microsoft Cognitive Services Emotion Recognition Client Library for .NET Core
Microsoft Cognitive Services Emotion Recognition Client Library Temporary Package Client
Microsoft Custom Decision Service REST based API.
Initial release of .NET Core library for Microsoft LUIS client. At the time of this release the Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS client is not available on .NET Core. This is a .NET Core port of that library. Once Microsoft does port Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS to .NET Core, this will not longer be required.
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Custom Image Search API.
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services AutoSuggest API.