Top 20 NuGet coffeescript Packages
Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript test runner which helps you integrate JavaScript unit testing into your website. It enables you to run JavaScript unit tests from the command line and from inside of Visual Studio. It also supports running in the TeamCity continuous integration server.
Compiles LESS, Sass, JSX and CoffeeScript files
BundleTransformer.CoffeeScript contains one translator-adapter - `CoffeeScriptTranslator`. This adapter makes translation of CoffeeScript code to JS code. Also contains the `CoffeeScriptAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of translated CoffeeScript asset.
Important: This is just the core library for Cassette. You probably want to install the Cassette.Aspnet package for ASP.NET support.
HTTP handlers that transform *.less and *.coffee files into CSS and JavaScript resepectively on the fly.
HTTP handlers that transform *.less and *.coffee files into CSS and JavaScript resepectively on the fly.
Allows you to your bundle configurations in the web.config file and handle remote files.

Bundler: Compile & Minify js, coffeescript, livescript, css, less, sass, stylus. Integrate in VS.NET MVC/ServiceStack
A native node.js-powered Bundler with integration with VS.NET extension + ASP.NET MVC or ServiceStack web projects.
No added compile or runtime performance costs.
Extremely fast and simple pure node.js/javascript solution to statically complie, minify and combine your websites .css, .les...
Less CSS compiler support for Cassette.
View helpers for Cassette.
SassAndCoffee is a package that adds SCSS/Sass and CoffeeScript compilation support to .NET, as well as minification support via UglifyJS.
ASP.NET support for Cassette. Cassette automatically builds JavaScript, CSS and HTML template modules based on the dependencies between files. CoffeeScript and LESS are also supported.
This QUnit support for ASP.NET MVC. You may also use it for ASP.NET Webforms, but the css folder will not be on the default location.
QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use, JavaScript test suite. It's used by the jQuery project to test its code and plugins but is capable of testing any generic JavaScript...
Just the JavaScript (CoffeeScript, Uglify.js) parts of SassAndCoffee. Useful for embedding in other projects.
Contains an MSBuild task that will generate Cassette bundles for a web application at compile time.
Hogan HTML template compilation support for Cassette.
Allows Cassette to ignore .ts reference comments.
Backbone.js CoffeeScript Starter Kit
Cruncher makes optimizing your resources easy. It can bundle unlimited combinations of remote and local CSS, Less, Sass, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript files.
Combining them, minifying them, and caching them in the browser, Cruncher can handle nested css @import statements, re-maps relative resource ...
Automatically build JavaScript and CSS modules based on the dependencies between files. CoffeeScript is also supported.