Top 20 NuGet clr Packages

Microsoft CNTK CPU-only Model Evaluation Libraries (no GPU required)
Collection of useful UserTypes that helps user write scripts easier. Examples user types: std::vector<T>, System.Exception, NativeTypes.Windows.ProcessEnvironmentBlock...
Engine for debugger scripting. This package doesn't provide access to debuggers, but defines interfaces that other packages implement. Search for packages that provide access to DbgEng.dll (WinDbg debugging engine), PDB symbols, DWARF symbols, ELF core dumps...
Exposes WPF controls for easier scripting, autocompletion, C# REPL...
Extension to CsDebugScript.Engine that provides ability to extract user types from symbols files. By default it uses DIA to read PDB files, but it can be used with CsDebugScript.DwarfSymbolProvider to generate from DWARF symbols (either from PE or ELF image containers).
Automagically cast anything to anything in .NET. Well almost :). Check out project site for use cases, examples and docs.
Provides fast access to symbols by directly reading PDB files. It is symbol provider for CsDebugScript.CodeGen.
Low-level utilities and tools for working with the CLR and memory.
A library containing debugging methods.
SQL Server certificates operations helper
A library that adds strongly-typed duck typing, dynamic expando objects, and dynamic metaclasses to the common language runtime.
The SqlDatabaseCommand is a set of components helping C# developers to execute SQL Queries and to retrieve data from SQL Server. It is a light and pragmatic framework that contains only the essential classes needed to create SQL query strings, define parameters and transaction, and execute it to ret...
Provides DbgEng.dll as debugger engine interface for CsDebugScript.Engine. It can be used to inspect Windows dumps or debug running applications. Also includes COM interfaces for working with DbgEng.dll (WinDbg debugging engine).
Provides a convenient, easy to use wrapper for Constraint Satisfaction Programming based on the Google OR-tools.
Small tool that uses CsDebugScript.UI to show C# REPL.
Provides scripting ability to CsDebugScript.Engine: executing scripts, interactive execution with REPL.
Provides access to DWARF symbols (for PE and ELF image containers) and also ability to read ELF core dumps. It is symbol provider and debugger engine interface for CsDebugScript.Engine.
Provides fast access to symbols by directly reading PDB files using DIA library. It is symbol provider for CsDebugScript.Engine.
Small tool that uses CsDebugScript.CodeGen ability to extract user types from symbols files. It uses DIA to read PDB files and CsDebugScript.DwarfSymbolProvider for DWARF symbols (either from PE or ELF image containers).
CsDebugScript provides framework for writting .NET code against different debuggers/dump processing.