Top 20 NuGet client Packages

The .NET 4.5 client-side library for standard REST-like access to server entry points in Creative Thinking Inc web services
.NET 4.5 client library for accessing common web-based services that assist in support of form-based, scoped application frameworks
aquirrel base lib.
package includes the necessary libraries to establish a connection to Oneiroi Server for xamarin native android and ios application development
A dotNet client library for Marketo REST API.
C#/.NET Curse Client API
C# Client Library used to interact with the Yahoo Finance API
Sending sparrow sms
Package for CRUD operations using a HTTP Client. Works best when used with a Controller using Entity Framework actions
Transsmart Web Client
Клиент-Сервер построенные на TCP.
A Simple HTTP Client for C# (UWP)
API client for the bunq public API.
Allows injection of custom headers into a WCF client endpoint. See for usage.
Simple Rest and Soap Http Clients
Simple Telematics soluction Webdispecink client