Top 20 NuGet claims Packages

Claims-based Authorization attributes for WebApi
Claims-based Authorization attributes for MVC
Plugin for adding Telerik Sitefinity Identity Provider capabilities to IdentityServer3
Entity Framework-based persistence layer for Sitefinity Relying parties on IdentityServer3
AspNetIdentity3 and EntityFramework7 Implementation for IdentityServer3
The purporse of this library is to create an Authenticated ClientContext in a Claim-based SharePoint environment using Active Directoy Federation Services authentication via SAML.
Middleware to handle Authentication and Authorization for testing purpose.
IdentityServer is a framework and a hostable component that allows implementing single sign-on and access control for modern web applications and APIs using protocols like OpenID Connect and OAuth2. It supports a wide range of clients like mobile, web, SPAs and desktop applications and is extensible...
ClaimsDiagnostics is a simple page displaying all claims, nice for all those WIF and Azure ACS/AAD developers
Helper library to integrate OAuth/OpenID user data into Claims.
Claims based security is the new black. So to keep things simple, most web applications require some common user data whenever they sign in to a web application! So that is what this package does. Making your web application Identity coding-life simpler.
Implementation of the Hawk authentication scheme for Web API v2 and Katana.
Barricade is a lightweight membership system. An ASP.NET Web API security library that implements OAuth 2 authentication and claim based authorizations.
Dapper extension for IdentityServer3
Nhibernate-based persistence layer for IdentityServer3
A Claims based model for resolving bespoke authorization/security operations.
IdentityServer3 - Cache.Redis is a library that includes the implementation for client, scope, and user stores using Redis as distribuited cache system.
CSharp bindings for Eligible REST APIs
Build claims for authenticated user and construct a user object from claims.
Access token requirement validation middleware for JWTs.