Top 20 NuGet cil Packages

Custom interceptors for Cauldron.Interception.Fody that provides method, property, field and constructor interception.
Light-weight cross platform IL disassembler tool built in C#.
Centrifuge Reactor API component. Doing the heavy lifting so you don't have to.
PE image models for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
High level .NET image models for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules, Windows PDBs and Portable PDBs. For better *Windows PDB* writer support, you should add a reference to `Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native` nuget package too, see the dnlib README for more info: . You don't need to...
A translator implementation of .NET intermediate language to C language.
The base library for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
CilTools.BytecodeAnalysis reads .NET methods' Common Intermediate Language (CIL) bytecode and converts it into high-level objects or textual CIL representation so they can be easily studied and programmatically processed.
A translator implementation of .NET intermediate language to C language.
A translator implementation of .NET intermediate language to C language.
A fail-fast validation helper for .NET CIL generation.
Package Description
This is the patching engine of the Patchwork framework. Its method of distribution is currently being rethought while a new version is tested.
A Fody/Mono.Cecil wrapper that provides most basic IL code weaving helpers.
A fail-fast validation helper for .NET CIL generation.
This library contains the patching attributes for the Patchwork assembly modification framework. You must reference this library from your patch assembly.
Ratchet MSIL is part of the Ratchet project and provide tools to manipulate MSIL/CIL within the application (disassembly, inspection, ...)
A MSBuild task that scans assemblies for locations to patch in IL code that normally cannot be generated from C# (e.g. cpblk/memcpy). The majority of the stub methods available are generic, which allows for low overhead (e.g. no boxing) when working with struct types and interoping with (unmanaged) ...
A "Swiss Army Knife" of sorts for IL-generated methods that are faster then their Expression & Reflection counterparts.