Top 20 NuGet check Packages

Provides ready to use code to perform connection check using sockets.
Provides ready to use code to perform Windows directory permission checks.
An API to check if a number is prime using fermat's little theorem
Simple byte reader that provides functions to extract a byte array from a file or a string (e.g. "F1 00 2C FF" to { 0xF1, 0x00, 0x2C, 0xFF }). It can also convert a byte array to a string or write it to a file.
A pure-javascript drop-down checkbox list control for web development. Documentation available at: Issues and bug tracker available at: ...
This project is inspired by Ensure.That developed by Daniel Wertheim. The purpose of this library is to allow common validation checks to be easily made.
A tool to verify binary compatibility of a set of .dll files.
The ConcurrencyChecker is an easy to use library that is used to find possible concurrency issues and async deadlocks in your code. Add this library to your unit and/or integration testing arsenal.
Just a simple package to check for strikes, remainders and calculate them
Simple chequeo de actualizaciones de aplicaciones
Determines file format type from header
Health check functionality for ASP.NET Mvc and Web Api projects
Utility tool for check test files.
Fluent utility helper for argument validation. Follow the WIKI at:
Tool that will check ssllabs score api and cert expiration when provided a list of hosts.
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IBreachedPasswordService calls the HIBP ( range search API and returns the number of times a password has appeared in a known data breach. IForbiddenPasswordService uses locally configured (via config or text file) regex patterns to check for forbidden passwords
CPF / CNPJ Framework Methods that help you to check and format the special numbers of CPF and CNPJ. Help me a lot and I'm putting here to help other people. Example to use the code: //check CNPJ CPFCNPJ.IMain main1 = new CPFCNPJ.Main(); var resultCNPJ = main1.Is...