Top 20 NuGet call Packages
A tiny package for one call password hash (sha2) generator and matcher. Simple Do
var h = new Hasher();
var hash = h.getHash("abcd");
var salt = h.Salt;
Now you can store salt and hash. To match simply do:
var h2 = new Hasher(salt);
h2.match(stringToCheck, hash); // returns true or false
HttpResponseManager is a portable library. Using this library application can call and get Web API response using GET and PUT methods. User can also include the Headers while calling APIs.
LeMAK-Soft Bulk SMS Sender (LeMAKSoftBSS) is a library for Sending Short Message Services (SMS) in Cameroon and in many other countries. Check the supported countries and the prices at
Run bash commands from within C# code that is running on Linux.
Xamarin.iOS Twilio Video Binding
Xamarin.Android Twilio Video Binding
Beautiful Chat components for C# Windows forms including Chat User, Chat Header, Chat Bubbles, TypingBox, SearchBox and BeautyForm
Cisco Spark SDK on Windows, WME version 8.0.2
A basic .NET Standard 2.x library for Call Sign Data for Canada and the US.
This is an IBMi data access layer for ILEusion / ILEaccess that can be used with the standard Windows .Net Framework 4.6.1 and above as well as .Net Core 2.0.0 and above. It requires an IBM i system running an intance of the ILEusion webservice available here:
Provides tools for securing access to methods and properties in code, by limiting access to them to a given set of callers. This prevents unintentional leaks of information through code running in the same process.
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Infoset Web API v1 via C# with .NET. Github repo located at :
Kavenegar API Client For .NetStandard 2.0 and later
The Execution Context Scoping package adds the 'Execution Context Scope' lifestyle, which allows instances to live within an explicitly defined execution context scope (or logical call context) and get disposed when this scope ends. This scope allows flowing through asynchronous method calls.
Can extract the server cache and favorites list of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
This package can deserialize any String, Stream, or StreamReader (On HAL+JSON format or not) provided by a web api response.
On the package console run :
Install-Package HALJSonDeserializer
After installation you must include the namespace of the package where you will use it:...
Awesome application logging utility
Send Email,SMS and make instant calls