Top 20 NuGet calculator Packages

Library for computing function interpolation and approximation
Age Calculation is done in a line of code, so why to waste time writing more.
Just a test class library
Some usefull network tools (network calculator, ip converter, extended tcpclient).
How can we calculate the status of anyone`s body? or how can we find out which weight is good for someone? This library has two functions to let your app calculate & return the status of users body with a weight suggestions service
MyScript Interactive Ink SDK runtime libraries for UWP. Interactive Ink extends digital ink to allow users to more intuitively create, interact with, and share content in digital form. Handwritten text, mathematical equations or even diagrams are interpreted in real-time to be editable v...
MyScript Interactive Ink SDK runtime libraries for WPF. Interactive Ink extends digital ink to allow users to more intuitively create, interact with, and share content in digital form. Handwritten text, mathematical equations or even diagrams are interpreted in real-time to be editable v...
This Paclage can claculate steel round Bar Weight in kg
It does Arithmetic opertions
Calculator service for basic adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
Calculator service for basic adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
This demo library calculates Body Mass Index
Calculator service for basic adding, subtracrting, multiplying, and dividing.
Trivial Ast Parser CSharp
Easy to use library for computing math formulas, mean and proportion. Is a basis of Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries. var calc = new Calculator("8^2+5-cos(2*PI)"); var result = calc.Compute(); // result = 68"
Easy to use library for computing derivative and function value at given point. var derivative = new Derivative("x^2 + 5 - cos(2 * PI * x)"); var result = derivative.ComputeDerivative(1); // result = 2
Easy to use library for computing differential equations. var math = new Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries.Differential.Differential(""3*x^2-5""); var result = math.ComputeDifferential(4, 2, 0); // result = 46
Easy to use library for computing zero (root) of a function. var math = new FunctionRoot.Hybrid("(x+1)^2-9", 0, 1.5); var result = math.ComputeHybrid(); // result = 2
Library for computing linear equations