Top 20 NuGet caching Packages

DocumentDB Adaptor For LitterBox Caching
Deploys the NCache Session Storage Services in an ASP.NET Core web application for .NET Framework and .NET Core. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Core session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follo...
NCache is an extremely fast and scalable in-memory distributed cache that removes performance bottlenecks related to data storage and databases. Entity Framework Core Provider for NCache lets you use NCache as a second level cache for entity framework core.
A library extending Magneto with implementations of ICacheStore backed by implementations from Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.
A data access library for .NET combining the mediator pattern and the query object pattern, with caching, async and easy mocking of queries and commands.
This package implements the caching provider via the .NET 4.5 framework (Memory Cache, etc).
Deploys the NCache Session Storage Services in an ASP.NET Core web application for .NET Framework and .NET Core. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Core session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follo...
Local Cache Tool Based on ConcurrentDictionary
Deploys the NCache Session Storage Services in an ASP.NET Core web application for .NET Framework and .NET Core. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Core session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follo...
NCache is an extremely fast and scalable in-memory distributed cache that removes performance bottlenecks related to data storage and databases. Entity Framework Core Provider for NCache lets you use NCache as a second level cache for entity framework core.
Flexible memory cache with backing cache of files, SQLite, or SQL Server. Compatible with .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard. Ready for your Xamarin or Internet of Things project.
Set of small low level utilitarian classes: Retrier, ConcurrentObjectAccessor, SolidComPlus, AsyncDisposer, BoundedParallel, DataPipeline and DataReplicator
Simple memory cache to replace standard MemoryCache. This class is based on a simple Dictionary
Simplify caching in your .Net project
Entity Framework provider toolkit. Code from, refactored.