Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing web implementations on the DotNetAppStarterKit.Core interfaces for commonly used components such as logging, caching and security.
WACEL provides implementation of high-level data structures that can be shared among your services and application. You can use WACEL data structures just as if you were using local data structures such as arrays, tables, circular buffers and OLAP cubes, and these data structures are backed by Windo...
Set of tools to help Single Page Application development
Extension methods for System.Runtime.Caching.ObjectCache / MemoryCache with locking mechanism.
Opinionated Cache provides a framework for consistent cache key and cache policy management for a (potentially multi-level) cache store with backing store.
Decoupled Caching Abstraction for .NET
Decoupled Caching Abstraction for .NET using Redis
Flatwhite is an AOP library with MVC and WebAPI ActionFilter style using Castle dynamic proxy. You can create MethodFilterAttribute to add custom logic to any methods as soon as it is interceptable by Castle Dynamic Proxy. Flatwhite has 1 built-in OutputCacheFilter to cache method result which can a...
Flatwhite is an AOP library with MVC and WebAPI ActionFilter style using Castle dynamic proxy. You can create MethodFilterAttribute to add custom logic to any methods as soon as it is interceptable by Castle Dynamic Proxy. Flatwhite has 1 built-in OutputCacheFilter to cache method result which can a...
(Signed) ServiceStack integration for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Kronoc.Client is a library which allows you integrate project with Kronos cache platform (Kronos.Server)
Kronoc.Core is a main library for Kronos cache platform (Kronos.Server)
MessagePack serializer for CachingFramework.Redis, a distributed caching based on StackExchange.Redis and Redis. Includes support for all redis data types, tagging mechanism, cache invalidation, PubSub, GeoSpatial indexes, HyperLogLog and is cluster-compatible.
Many utilitity methods: Active Directory, Validations, WebServices, FastLookup, Access to: Caching, ConnectionString, Cookies, ServerVariables, Session
Formula.Cache Multi Level Cache - Pluggable Multi Level Cache that can easily be extended by writing a simple plugin to facilitate new caching techniques. NOTE: THESE TOOLS ARE USED INTERNALLY FOR FORMULA.CODER DEVELOPMENT AND NOT TESTED ON OTHER FRAMEWORKS OR VERSIONS.
Minimal cache utility (key value pairs) using Json and Sqlite
Redis Cache Key Value Client