Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

NoesisGUI Apple Metal Render Context
NoesisGUI GLX Render Context
NoesisGUI Khronos EGL Render Context
NoesisGUI X Window System Display
NoesisGUI WinRT Display
NoesisGUI Android Display
NoesisGUI Application Framework
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
Build amazing cross-platform web apps using pure standard .NET, .C#, and XAML. Powered by Bridge.NET
dotnet common util
CodePorting.Native Cs2Cpp is a framework to automatically port code from C# to C++. Ported code can be compiled using Visual Studio, GCC or Clang and can run on Windows and Linux. This package features an API used to emulate .Net calls from ported code.
.NET library for parsing and generating JSON documents
Provides the ability to use Wave Engine in a UWP view
Provides a series of abstractions to access sensors in different platforms (e.g accelerometer, compass, device info, vibration etc...)
Provides DirectX12 rendering implementation for Wave Engine
Provides DirectX11 rendering implementation for Wave Engine
Provides utilities to work with different assets formats (e.g. audio formats, textures, 3D models...)