Top 20 NuGet c# Packages
Fully managed Apache Parquet implementation.
PLEASE NOTE: iTextSharp is EOL, and has been replaced by iText. Only security fixes will be added
We HIGHLY recommend customers use iText for new projects, and to consider moving existing projects from iTextSharp to iText to benefit from the many improvements such as:
- HTML to PDF (PDF/A) conversi...
微信 SDK - Senparc.Weixin.MP.MvcExtension 模块
Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
Xamarin bindings for ExoPlayer
Microsoft Orleans library for hosting a silo in a testing project.
Log4Net appender which sends logs to the Sumo Logic machine data analytics platform.
NLog appender which sends logs to the Sumo Logic machine data platform.
CSRedis 是 官方推荐库,支持 redis-trib集群、哨兵、私有分区与连接池管理技术,简易 RedisHelper 静态类。
Render After Effects animations natively on Android, iOS, MacOS, TVOs and UWP
pdfHTML is an iText add-on for C# (.NET) that allows you to easily convert HTML and CSS into standards compliant PDFs that are accessible, searchable and usable for indexing.
EntityWorker is an object-relation mapper(ORM) that enable .NET developers to work with relations data using objects. EntityWorker is an alternative to entityframwork. is more flexible and much faster than entity framework.
And it have support to multiple providers like mssql, sqlite and postgressql...
CS-Script engine Class Library for .NET 5
Provides diagnostic analyzers to warn about incorrect usage of NSubstitute in C#.
Serilog sink which sends logs to the Sumo Logic machine data analytics platform.
The PayPal Merchant SDK provides the following:
SetExpressCheckout API Operation (NVP/SOAP): The SetExpressCheckout API operation initiates an Express Checkout transaction.
DoDirectPayment API Operation (NVP/SOAP): The DoDirectPayment API Operation enables you to process a credit card payment.
OpenMcdf is a 100% .NET / C# component that allows developers to manipulate Microsoft Compound Document File Format for OLE structured storage.
It supports read/write operations on streams and storages and traversal of directory trees.
Wix# is a framework for building a complete MSI or WiX source code by using build script files written with the C# syntax.
The package contains Wix# binaries only.
In order to use this package you need have WiX Toolset installed.
The package is tested against WIX (Windows Installe...
微信 SDK - 开放平台 模块
Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
微信 SDK - Redis 模块
Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
Microsoft Windows Performance Counters implementation of Orleans Telemetry API.