Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Modern OpenGL bindings for C#. It supports OpenGL 4.6 with relative extensions, OpenGL for Windows (WGL) with relative extensions, OpenGL for X11 1.4 (XGL) with relative extensions, Native Platform Interface 1.5 (EGL) with relative extensions, Broadcom VideoCore IV (Raspberry PI 2). Specifications ...
Simple BDD syntax for writing domain model tests
Shouldly extensions for Sollertes.BDD
ESBootstrap (For Bridge.Net) - Web Application using ESBootstrap UI and Bridge for the Browser.
Platform utilities for iOnTech applications.
Test utility classes for iOnTech applications.
A simple way to download file Asynchronously in C#
GSSAPI implementation wrapper for .NET. Contains client implementation and additional WebRequest authentication modules.
Csharp to markdown auto-generated documentation.
System performance base models structured for use with WMI and Native Methods.
A set of helper classes to augment C# functionality such as scheduling, precision formatting, collection conversions, and exception messaging.
The ultimate exception reports for .NET
A library to make it easier to leverage crypto operations inside .NET. Use it for symmetric encryption and decryption. For properly hashing passwords (and that means properly in accordance to a "Troy Hunt" standard in .NET -- NOT endorsed by him by the way). This library also brings along some basic...
The WPF UnitComboBox Control implements a combobox that allows the selection of values from different lists based on different units.
A Bridge.NET UI Library based on Material Design