Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Provides components, behaviors and drawables, which allow developers to create games or apps reusing a lot of code
A thread-safe, multi-process(ish) persistent queue, based very heavily on . Stores serialised data to the local file system for reading either later or concurrently
FSharp.Data proxies for WebSharper
Client-side and server-side HTML Combinators for WebSharper (legacy)
C# bindings for the Sciter engine
C# bindings for the Sciter engine
Woopsa is a protocol that's simple, lightweight, free, open-source, web and object-oriented, publish-subscribe, real-time capable and Industry 4.0 ready. It contributes to the revolution of the Internet of Things
A library that generates C# for a Facility Service Definition.
Provides a .Net implementation of a WPF color picker control supporting HSV and RGB.
Swiper API for WebSharper
WebSharper Extension for remarkable 2.0.1+
WebSharper Extension for math.js 12.x
WebSharper Extensions for MathJax 2.7.1
WebSharper bindings for JsPDF 2.5.1+
WebSharper Extension for introjs 2.5.0
WebSharper extension for GoldenLayout
WebSharper Extension for Cytoscape 3.1.3
WebSharper bindings for SweetAlert2 11.7+
ESAPI Extensions and helpers for quickly building robust clinical and research apps.
Contains some basic extensions and a config helper