Top 20 NuGet build Packages

BuildTools.StyleCopPlus integrates StyleCopPlus into the build process. This is just a simple Nuget that sets StyleCopAdditionalAddinPaths to the StyleCopPlus.dll folder. All regards to the corresponding authors.
Browserify plugin for PVC Builds
CIBuild.ILMerge is build script to merge reference assemblies used internally.
Psake tasks and functions to build Hangfire projects with ease.
This package provides PowerShell scripts to automatically compile, package, test and deploy your code based on a set of conventions. It is based on psake and consists of a set of psake tasks written in Powershell. There is a predefined psake properties block and a number of predefined tasks as well ...
A PowerShell task runner based on Invoke-Build. Invoke-Build is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in PowerShell scripts. It is similar to psake but arguably easier to use and more powerful. Removes the boilerplate code from your build scripts and supports a convention-base...
MainBrain build scripts for Team Foundation Server.
Chutzpah Test Runner plugin for PowerTasks
XUnit Test Runner plugin for PowerTasks
MainBrain build task library for Visual Studio Online.
MainBrain build task library for XUnit tests.
Tools to keep build pipelines sane while .NET Core matures
Extensions for the .NET URI class. Get, set, drop, update URI parts, query items and path items. Fluent interface. No more worrying about part delimiters.
AutoVersionUpdater is a .NET text templete for managing assembly versions. Usually any .Net project have AssemblyInfo.cs in "Properties" directory. So, this T4 run on every build of visual studio and increase version of this file. for more informations:
A custom build target that automatically transforms config files for each environment defined
Pask extension that provides NuGet functionality to create and publish a package.
Pask extension that provides test automation functionality with code coverage reports generated by dotCover.