Top 20 NuGet browser Packages

Selenium Web Driver implementation supporting different browsers and simplified methods for accessing HTML DOM.
xUnit Helper for building Browser Tests
A page object pattern implementation for Selenium WebDriver
Easy-to-use toolset for building Web UI automation and testing code. It provides an easy way to build Page Objects without needing to know much about Selenium.
It has funcions to open Chrome-IE-Opera, to get text, set text, accept the browser warning messages/alert window, work with tables, it will save your time for these common tasks.
CEF Glue support for Avalonia
Fable bindings for the NPM package "mobx".
A multi-tabbed WPF control that lets you browse the file system. Much like OpenFileDialogue, except it can be embedded in your form.
BrowserLauncher is a dotnet run CLI extension to launch a browser when starting an AspNetCore application from the dotnet command line.
The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component (WPF control).
The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component (WinForms control).
The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component (OffScreen control).
The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component ('Core' and common 'Element' components, needed by both WPF and WinForms).
Fingerprintjs2 HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core 2 and 3
.NET library, which allows you to automate Google Chrome browser.
Updated *.browser file for >IE10 on ASP.NET 2.0
A simple/powerful approach for doing client-side templating with Mustache.js and jQuery.
jQuery Simulate is a plugin to simulate browser mouse and keyboard real events. This plugin leveraged the jQuery UI Automated tests to another level, giving the possibility to create automated scripts to test UI components (drag, drop, sortables, etc).