Top 20 NuGet broker Packages

Kinetix Broker Module
An easy way to query the Tridion Broker Database using a Domain Specific Language
.Net SDK to connect ForInvest Pubsub Server
Mospel MQTT library allows you to build your own MQTT server, giving you the ability to intercept authentication and authorization and much more stuff, currently it only works with WebSocket, later I will add support for TCP socket and TLS connection.
Prometheus endpoint manager for Imperfect Dollop distributed in-memory cache
Redis broker for Imperfect Dollop distributed in-memory cache
RabbitMQ broker for Imperfect Dollop distributed in-memory cache
.NetStandard 2.0 Small app framework for .Net Core 3.x apps - Logging (file/console) - Event aggregator - Exceptions manager
This package contains binaries needed to use the Windows broker and other features with MSAL on older platforms such as .NET Framework and .NET Core 3.x.