Top 20 NuGet Packages
Build amazing cross-platform web apps using pure standard .NET, .C#, and XAML. Powered by Bridge.NET
Build amazing cross-platform web apps using pure standard .NET, .C#, and XAML. Powered by Bridge.NET
Build amazing cross-platform web apps using pure standard .NET, .C#, and XAML. Powered by Bridge.NET
A collection of useful data and execution extensions for Bridge.NET
A C# to JavaScript compiler. Write modern mobile and web apps in C#. Run them anywhere with JavaScript.
A C# to JavaScript compiler. Write modern mobile and web apps in C#. Run them anywhere with JavaScript.
A C# to JavaScript compiler. Write modern mobile and web apps in C#. Run them anywhere with JavaScript.
ExpressCraft (For Bridge.Net) - Create a Windows Application using ExpressCraft UI and Bridge for the Browser.
Handles Modal and Non-Modal Forms - When using Dialogues you can assign call-backs based on the Dialogue Result.
A Bridge.NET implementation of the popular Json.NET framework
A Bridge.NET meta package for Arcantel projects.
A C# to JavaScript compiler. Write modern mobile and web apps in C#. Run them anywhere with JavaScript.
Bootstrap installation into Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery 2 installation into Bridge.NET projects.
WebGL installation into Bridge.NET projects.
SignalR binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Scripthost binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Express Brute Memcached (express-brute-memcached) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Exceljs binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
ES6 Error (es6-error) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.