Top 20 NuGet breaker Packages

This package contains HttpClientBuilder extensions for configuring Trybot policies around HttpClient calls in ASP.NET Core projects.
Luffy is a simple resilience and transient-fault handling library.
A facade on EventStore allowing the logging of any serialisable object as the Data of a StorableEvent
An implementation of Helpful.CircuitBreaker.Events for logging breaker events to log4net.
C# net core library to bring Stability in your project. Resiliency Pattern to provide stability of your application execution path. Current Implementation Supports Circuit-breaker and Retry Commands. Subscribed the live feed. Best for Async Calls.
Package Description
Defines the eventing contracts required for managing circuit breakers via an event database (such as Event Store)
Provides resiliency components (Throttle, Circuit Breaker) for async calls to external dependencies (databases calls, http requests/web services calls, IO calls, etc).
Implementation of CircuitBreaker pattern on .NET
A circuit breaker implementation that allows to stop executing a particular portion of code if this one has failed above a threshold.
Hydra is a library for adding hot failover/failback capability between multiple replicated/redundant systems using pluggable circuit-breaker type strategies.
Apply declarative RETRY behavior to any arbitrary method invocation.
Simple Circuit Breaker implementation for .NET with zero dependencies
A dotnet implementation of Michael Nygard's Circuit Breaker state machine, using the Gang of Four's STATE pattern.