Top 20 NuGet bot Packages
Templates for BLiP projets.
This library gives you easy access to Telegram Bot API so you can start building useful bots for Telegram.
Release Notes:
Cleaning code generation
Merging methods AnswerShippingQuery
Using PollType in Poll
This middleware uses Cognitive Services Check to automatically correct inbound message text.
Adds ability to write .js files to add custom functions to AdaptiveExpressions
Telegram Bot Library supporting Bot Api 3.1, Payments, Inline, Group & Channel management
Telegram Api Bot Extentions
A highly opinionated telegram bot framework for .NET
Remora.Discord's implementation of Discord's REST API
Interface definitions of Discord's API
Remora.Discord's implementation of Discord's API objects
Implementation of a hosted Discord gateway service for the .NET Generic Host
Adds custom LucyRecognizer (using Lucy.Net entity recognition) to Bot Framework and Bot Composer.
Chaskis is a framework for creating IRC Bots in an easy way. It is a plugin-based architecture written in C# that can be run on Windows or Linux. Users of the bot can add or remove plugins to run, or even write their own.
Chaskis is named after the [Chasqui](
CCXT.NET – CryptoCurrency eXchange Trading Library for .NET
FormFlow implemention for v4 of the Bot Builder .NET SDK
Adds Humanizer functions to AdaptiveExpressions
Remora.Discord's implementation of a Discord gateway client
Metapackage for Remora.Discord's various components
Glue code for using Remora.Commands with Remora.Discord
Caching implementations of Remora.Discord's services