Top 20 NuGet bootstrapper Packages

SIoC.NancyFx is a bootstrapper for NancyFx. This package will help you to work with NancyFx and SIoC.core IoC engine. After you install NancyFx and SIoC.core you only have to install this package and will be able to pass different interfaces to every NancyModule on the ctor.
Aurelia Bootstrapper (aurelia-bootstrapper) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Package base for create WebApi aspnet core.
Simple bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC 4 projects.
A bootstrapper for NuGet packages
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aurelia bootstrapper
A tool which bootstraps your azure search service entities.
Nancy bootstrapper for the Grace container
Caliburn.Micro and Autofac integrated application bootstrapper for Windows Store applications
Integration between Caliburn.Micro and Autofac
Bootstrapper class for MEF Autofac application
Elastic is a framework that helps to simplify the "wiring" phase of our applications.
A C# bootstrapper / task runner that helps you keep your tasks with your code.
Application bootstrapper