Top 20 NuGet blazor Packages

Blazor component for tag selection
A Blazor Wrapper for JS's Window.confirm() and onbeforeunload as .Net Blazor Component.
A Tweet Button component for Blazor.
Blazor component for validating your form with DataAnnotations attributes. Made from this blog post
A reusable Blazor component for generating sorting links and parameters for tabluar data.
SignalR Core support for ASP.NET Core Blazor. (fork of Blazor.Extensions.SignalR)
Small helper library that helps setting up IoC for BlazorFileReader by exposing the extension method AddFileReader on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection. For use with Blazor WebAssembly projects only. Not necessary nor compatible with Server-side Blazor projects.
This package is used by BlazorMobile, BlazorMobile.Web & BlazorMobile.ElectronNET. You don't have to reference it directly.
SpeechRecognition API access for your Blazor apps.
Highly configurable Blazor flexbox components.
Label from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
Checkbox from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
A reusable grid component for Blazor. Testing by Devans
Internal component of UltimateOrb.Blazor libraries. Provides conversions from barcode payloads to image data URLs.
A utility library for.Net Core 3.0 to be used with Xpandables.Standards.
BlazorScopedCss is a library to fill the css gap in current Blazor version
These components aim to provide the same components that are available in Semantic UI React, but for the new Blazor framework