Top 20 NuGet binary Packages

F# plugin for the Protocol Buffers compiler
Convert hexadecimal string to binary and also view Canonical format address
.Net Standard 2.1 package contains implementation of Standard Binary Search Tree and AVL Tree.
Avro provides: Rich data structures. A compact, fast, binary data format. A container file, to store persistent data. Remote procedure call (RPC). Simple integration with dynamic languages. Code generation is not required to read or write data files nor to use or imple...
二进制序列化工具 (小端); Binary serializer (little endian)
Extended collection of packages that provide common structures, extensions, and helpers that can be used across many libraries, and applications.
NFX Erlang Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC Big...
.NET library automating binary serialization of classes and structs.
Add default handling for System.Numerics.Vectors
The integration between Falanx and .NET Sdk projects
Package Description
This library implements various variants of binary decision diagrams. It focuses on high performance, usability, and correctness.
Package Description
Protocol Buffers is a binary serialization format and technology, released to the open source community by Google in 2008. Its primary use is to produce small fast binary representations of a 'message' or object for serialization or transportation. There are various implementations of Protocol Buf...
The most compact, extermly fast binary serializer for .NET Code and .NET Framework. More info:
Protocol Buffers is the name of the binary serialization format used by Google for much of their data communications. It is designed to be: small in size - efficient data storage (far smaller than xml) cheap to process - both at the client and server platform independent - portable between different...
AutoCSer.Serialize is a high-performance serialize framework that includes binary, JSON, and XML. AutoCSer.Serialize 是一个高性能的序列化组件,包括二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化。
SharpSerializer as Portable Class Library Targeting: - .Net 4.5 or higher - Silverlight 5 or higher - WP 8 or higher - .Net for Windows Store (WinRT) - Windows Phone 8.1
Library containing asynchronous (de)serialization methods for Newtonsoft.JSON JTokens. The deserialization functionality is available through UtilPack.JSON.JTokenStreamReader class. The serialization functionality is available through extension method to UtilPack.PotentiallyAsyncWriterLogic<IE...