Top 20 NuGet binaries Packages

boost_python27-vc110. Compiler: Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.
boost_python27-vc100. Compiler: Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
boost_contract-vc90. Compiler: Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
boost_contract-vc80. Compiler: Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
boost_contract-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
boost_contract-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5.
boost_contract-vc110. Compiler: Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.
boost_contract-vc100. Compiler: Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
boost_python37-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
boost_exception-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.11.41.
boost_python37-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.1.1.
boost_python38-vc141. Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 15.9.24.
boost_python38-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
Contains x86 and x64 native libcurl binaries for Windows. Current libcurl version: 7.70.0 released on the 29th of April 2020.
This package provides all native binaries and internal scripts needed to run Edge.js. This package copies the 'edge' folder to the build directory and creates a link in the project root to make debugging possible.
Native dependencies for SharpFont.
boost_text-vc141. Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 15.7.4.
A simple, portable and lightweight generic library for handling UTF-8 encoded strings.