Top 20 NuGet bi Packages
.NET Client library for Microsoft Power BI public REST endpoints providing access to your Workspaces, Reports, Datasets and more.
TeeChart.NET Pro Charting Components offer full cross-platform support for .NET desktop, WPF, Javascript Library for ASP.NET, MVC, NET6.0, NET7.0, NET8.0, NET9.0.
A suite of JavaScript web components for integrating Power BI into your app
The Dundas.BI.WebApi assembly is a .NET assembly that contains the classes that are used when communicating with the Dundas BI REST Services.
As a consumer of this assembly the only parts that are relevent are the items under the Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models namespace. These the are the types that ca...
The Dundas.BI.Web.Core assembly is a .NET assembly that contains interfaces to be used by plug-ins for the web. This allows for providing new routes, and or custom adapters.
Microsoft Power BI Core Libraries
Data transformation and analytics library. See the project url for more details.
Data transformation and analytics library - supporting functions. See the project url for more details.
Data transformation and anaytics library - Excel Connection and reader.
Data transformation and anaytics library - Sftp Connection and Readers
Data transformation and anaytics library - SqlServer Connection and reader.
Data transformation and anaytics library - Connection and Reader for Restful WebServices
Data transformation and anaytics library - Azure Storage Table and FlatFile Storage
Data transformation and anaytics library - Flat File Connections & Readers
The Dundas.BI.Core assembly is a .NET assembly that contains the Dundas BI Engine. This assembly is composed of three main parts: Framework, Entities, and Data. This library is only required when writing a server extension or directly calling the server API. For general API-based interactions with D...
Data transformation and anaytics library - Connections to a Data Experts Integration Hub
Data transformation and anaytics library - Ftp Connections & Readers
Data transformation and anaytics library - Sqlite Connection and reader.
Data transformation and anaytics library - PostgresSql Connection and reader.
Data transformation and anaytics library - Oracle Connection and reader.