Top 20 NuGet badge Packages
Xamarin.Forms plugin to add additional features to Tabbed Page, like disable loading pages, setting selected and unselected icon seperately, retaining original icon colours.
Android Toolbar badge button. A customizable square button to use as toolbar button with badge number.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Anton Popoff's ChipTextView, an Android library that provides a view that draws text within a rounded colored rectangle as a background.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Anton Popoff's ChipTextView, an Android library that provides a view that draws text within a rounded colored rectangle as a background.
Generate tile, toast, and badge notifications for Windows 10 via code, with the help of IntelliSense.
Adds Support for adaptive tiles and adaptive/interactive toasts for Windows 10. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Supports C# and C++ UWP project types (see Microsoft.Toolkit....
BadgedImageView allow you show a badge into a ImageView.
RibbonView for Android
Cordova Plugin Badge (cordova-plugin-badge) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Simple chip library that allows you to create your own chip views and views for the ListView all within one adapter.
Library to add ImageView (ImageBadgeView) with a badge like notification count.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Anton Popoff's ChipTextView, an Android library that provides a view that draws text within a rounded colored rectangle as a background.
Xamarin.Android Binding for MiniBugDev's DrawableBadge, an Android library for adding badges to drawables.
aws-cdk-build-badge (Stability: Stable)
The Windows Push Notification Service Recipe provides an object model to easily construct and send Toast, Tile, Badge and Raw Notifications using the Windows Push Notification Services (WNS).
Provides an easy way to create tile, badge and toast notifications.
Portable Class Library Version of the various NotificationsExtensions NuGet Packages. Used to Create WinRT/Windows Phone Notification XML.
Use instead of NotificationsExtensions.WinRT and NotificationsExtensions.UniversalApps
Generate adaptive tiles and interactive toasts for Windows 10 via XAML with bindings (for MVVM-lovers)
A Xamarin Android binding for Leo Lin, ShortcutBadger. The ShortcutBadger makes your Android App show the count of unread messages as a badge on your App shortcut.
A Xamarin.iOS library for adding badges to any UIView, UIBarButtonItem, or position on the screen. You can also animate your badges!
Xamarin.Android lib to show triangle view as badge