Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Data transformation and Anaytics library - Machine Learning Functions
Provides extensions that can be used when documenting an API using Swashbuckle.
Template to use when creating a new AspNet Core application hosted inside an Azure Functions V3 HTTP Trigger.
Library with utilities and wrappers around commonly used stuff in Microsoft Azure Storages
Generates source link for Azure DevOps Server (formerly known as TFS) Git repositories.
Azure Client SDK integration with Microsoft.Extensions libraries
Provides capability to reduce telemetry with Serilog filters
NLog AccessTokenLayoutRenderer for application authentication and acquire AccessToken for resource.
NubeSync Server Framework
A simplified interface to Azure Storage Tables with the ability to reference blobs in Blob Containers.
Library to copy cosmos db databases.
This package supports the Microsoft Azure Cosmos Client and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Azure functions extension for simple CRUD + List functions following the DRY principle.
Add application insights logging to ASP.NET Core apps with one line of code.