Top 20 NuGet automapper Packages
Event broker extension for mapping event arguments from one type to another using AutoMapper.
Package Description
Utilities for Autofixture and AutoMapper
Utilities for Autofixture, Xunit and AutoMapper
Extension methods for registering the mappers from Affecto.Mapping.AutoMapper NuGet into Autofac container.
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
.NET Standard MemoryCache-Supportable universal generic repository based on Dapper® ORM and AutoMapper®.
AutoMapper support for GraniteCore
Package Description
Package Description
Extensions for using BigSolution.Mapping.AutoMapper with Autofac
Implements Mapping for AutoMapper
Adds AutoMapper support to SharpDomain based application
Uses AutoMapper to create a single mapper from one type to another.
Adds an implementation of PagedList that uses AutoMapper to emit ViewModels
AutoAutoMapper will automatically register all of your AutoMapper Profile classes
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing interfaces for commonly used mapping techniques.
FluentMapper provides a fluent interface for mapping between types. By convention it used the popular AutoMapper
library by default, but you can implement any mapping strategy that fits your application. See the project page
for instructions