Top 20 NuGet authorization Packages

SMTP Obligation extensions for Rsk.Enforcer
KenticoAuthorize attribute that allows you to authenticate users based on Logged in, Page ACL, Role, Username, and Module Permission, also allows for custom redirects on unauthenticated.
Delegation Handler based Authentication Framework for ASP.NET Web API v2.
OWIN middleware for validating OAuth2 and OpenID Connect scope claims.
Scope-based Authorization for Web API v2.
Authorization Manager short form and is an applicative authorization manager, that is, given an application user, what this user is authorized to do within that application
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Crosscutting Application Block
Simple cryptography for PBKDF2 encrypted passwords.
ASP.NET Core types and middlewares to accept tokens from Azure B2C and Azure AD tenants. For more info, see the project url
This package enables ASP.NET Core web apps and web APIs to use the Microsoft identity platform (formerly Azure AD v2.0). This package is specifically used for web applications, which sign-in users and call Microsoft Graph Beta, and for protected web APIs that call Microsoft Graph Beta.
Azure authentication using Azure Graph Unified 2.0 endpoints support for ServiceStack. Supports multi-tenant authorization through Azure. This package includes the ServiceStack plugin and supporting services.
Helper library for claims-based identity, System.IdentityModel, JSON Web Tokens, OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect client
Simple web UI to create role and role access for DynamicAuthorization
JSON store for DynamicAuthorization
Adds authentication features to applications hosted on a GenHTTP webserver.
Abstractions package for ChustaSoft.Tools.Authorization project
Configure your custom authorizer service for Ocelot Gateway with this extension.
QAToolKit.Auth library.
Object-Based Authorization Library
This package contains the library for authentication and authorization against The package gives easy configurable options to integrate ZITADEL authentication with any web application or web API. Additionally, it functions as a ...