Top 20 NuGet authorization Packages

For Mobile scenarios. Client using Resource Token Broker permissions for reading and writing to Azure Cosmos DB
Resource Token Broker for Azure Cosmos DB
Authorization tag helpers for Asp.Net Core. Role, resource and policy.
Library for managing security API-Keys with roles and policies
This package contains the reference assemblies for Dapr Identity Store using ExtenFlow.
Authorization behaviour for MediatR. Extensions for Microsoft.DependencyInjection
Includes generic and non generic extension methods: 1- dependency injection 2- Post Helper methods 3- Authentication for dummies like me
Keycloak adapter for Asp net core projects with functionality of authentication, authorization and policy building.
MvcAuthorization is a configuration based authorization library for ASP.NET MVC. The original concept, description, and examples can be found at
An implementation of the IPermissionsStore using RavenDB.
Implementation of Loremipsum Permissions for ASP.NET MVC
Simple Token and Users Authentication and Authorization Bootstrap for WebAPI applications. Provided with 'TokenAuthApiController' which has built-in support for Login and Logout (cookies-based) and automatic token parsing and authenticating (inside query strings, form data or cookies). Visit the Pro...
Client library of Thinktecture.IdentityModel. Includes OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client and helpers for parsing token and authorize responses, Epoch Time helpers, extensions methods for HttpClient.
A Claims based model for resolving bespoke authorization/security operations.
Token based auth for WebApi.
A .net authorization component that decouples authorization from User, IPrincipal or Roles. This assumes a few conventions over configuration.
A simple owin middleware component to turn a querystring parameter into a request header. This is useful when using token authentication with signalR.
Simple ASP.NET Core authentication and identity provider. Valid users are specified in a simple configuration file. Please refer to the project site at for full installation instructions, usage examples, and sample code.
NOT Authorize.Net! General purpose authorization library.