Top 20 NuGet authentication Packages
SK ID-card external authentication for ASP.NET Core applications.
SimpleCryptography is a library designed to make using encryption and message authentication services nice and simple.
Provides easy to use authentication and token acquisition for Blazor applications with the help of Microsoft Authentication Library. Supports both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly applications.
The official Stormpath SDK for .NET. Don't install this package directly; install the Stormpath.SDK package unless you are bringing your own JSON serializer and HTTP client plugins.
Stormpath middleware for ASP.NET Core. Easily add authentication and authorization to ASP.NET Core applications.
Deprecated, use Veracity.Common.OAuth.AspNet for Asp.Net mvc 5 and Veracity.Common.OAuth.AspNetCore for aspnetcore apps. Authentication library for the veracity services sdk
SRP-6a protocol implementation for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5+
Class library to simplify application token retrieval from Microsoft OAuth 2.0 workflow.
OmniCX API Authentication contains the authentication filters for the client applications consuming the OmniCX APIs.
Veracity authentication library for applications based on ASP.NET Framework
Zyan is a framework that simplifies development of distributed applications for desktop and mobile platforms. With Zyan you can publish any .NET class for remote access over the network. Zyan is highly customizable and provides you with tools to build modular and plugable distributed applications.
This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages. ASP.NET Web Pages and the new Razor syntax provide a fast, terse, clean and lightweight way to combine server code with HTML to create dynamic web content.
Claims-based user account and identity management framework
The core assemblies for the Sentinel OAuth Provider.
Use this if you want to develop an extension.
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
Helps applications with the creation and validation of Java Web Tokens (JWT), as defined in RFC 7519. Includes OpenID claims.
Helps UWP applications with the creation and validation of Java Web Tokens (JWT), as defined in RFC 7519.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Baidu authentication.
Basic Authentication Scheme for ASP.NET Core 2.0
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Yammer authentication.