Top 20 NuGet async Packages

The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) Tabular assembly contains types that make it easy for asynchronous access to tabular data (rows with columns) returned by a connection.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) MSBuild.Abstraction assembly contains skeleton implementations for MSBuild tasks which use CBAM packages.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) HTTP package contains API to send HTTP requests from client to server. The HTTP API itself is minimalistic and easy-to-use.
Library containing types which support synchronously and asynchronously queryable data in tabular format.
This project is a bridge between UtilPack.ResourcePooling project and custom MSBuild tasks.
Library containing types which support pooling asynchronous and synchronous resources.
This project is a proof of concept implementation of async computation workflows composition with non determenistic choice, merge and bind based on immutable state with lock detection. Uses ideas from Stm,Hopac,Joinads.
A high performance fully-async Micro-ORM for ADO.NET.
Easy way to run background worker with various mode
The easiest way to analyze and fix method names for asynchronous methods.
A high performance content-object mapper for Umbraco. u2 support both sync and async. u2 uses Examine and Lucene query directly and has build-in caching, which makes it extremely fast. u2 uses a convention-based matching algorithm to auto match up content fields to object properties and fluent API...
Package Description
Provides an 'Azure Blob Storage' filesystem abstraction layer to FileSystemAbstraction.
Additional asynchronous functionality for the Bogosoft.Data library.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) NATS assembly contains API (but not implementation) for NATS ( ) messaging protocol.
Types and extensions for asynchronous programming
Common Async Network Functionality and Interfaces for Building Apps with the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework