Top 20 NuGet async Packages

A modern API for BunnyCDN.
Common helper classes developed with ApprovalTests
NModbusAsync is a striped to the bone version of NModbus library. The only thing that left is Modbus over TCP and Modbus RTU over TPC masters. The main difference and advantage of NModbusAsync is that all operations now utilize only asynchronous I/O.
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
NCalcAsync is a fully async port of the NCalc mathematical expressions evaluator in .NET, targeting netstandard 2.0. NCalc can parse any expression and evaluate the result, including static or dynamic parameters and custom functions.
This package adds WireFormatter(based on Wire nuget package)
This package adds JsonFormatter(based on Newtonsoft.Json)
This package adds BinaryFormatter(based on System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter)
Create your own DisplayAlerts using XAML, or use the DisplayAlerts,LoaderDialogs and LoginViews that's included! Powered by AsyncAwaitBestPractices and Rg.Plugins.Popup
An independent flexible XAML MVVM library for .NET
Newtonsoft Json serializer for CachingFramework.Redis, a distributed caching based on StackExchange.Redis and Redis. Includes support for all redis data types, tagging mechanism, cache invalidation, PubSub, GeoSpatial indexes, HyperLogLog and is cluster-compatible.
Additional IAsyncEnumerable Extension Methods
Easily retry your asynchronous operation
Simple abstract class for throttled execution of an async function, with throttling implemented by use of TokenBuckets
Reusable utility and class library for .NET Framework 4.8 - Featuring:.
This project provides an observable collection that is fed from an async enumerable.
A lightweight framework for running multiple tasks asynchronously on a single thread.
This is a micro library that solves a single problem: How to run a large number of async tasks in parallel without running too many at the same time - and without running out of memory.
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
A basic multi-client message-based tcp server (and client).