Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Spotify authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Discord authentication.
High performance distributed cache helper with the support of serialization and deserialization, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous using implementation of IDistributedCache.
Twitch.MediatR.AspNetcore is a wrapper for TwitchLib to make Twitch events available as MediatR notifications in ASP.NET Core.
Xlogger integration for ASP.NET Core
Ding.SafeOrBit是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的一个安全工具集,包括不同的高性能算法和易于使用的类,用于高级内存保护。
Implementation of RESTful Services using ASP.NET Core
Implementation of RESTful Services using ASP.NET Core
Jaeger support jaeger and open tracing.
.Net Core boilerplate and middle tier framework
Append TraceIdentifiers to request
Lightweight and full-featured data Grid control. The Grid Control for NET offers a very fast data grid for your Visual Studio projects. Includes NET Core support and improved javascript visualisation via jsGrid. Demo code:
Lightweight and full-featured data Grid control. The Grid Control for NET offers a very fast data grid for your Visual Studio projects. Includes NET Core support and improved javascript visualisation via jsGrid. Demo code:
This library contains useful database utilitity classes, functions and extension methods. ADO.NET wrapper specifically develop to help make life easy working with relational databases like SQLServer, MySql, PostgreSql, MariaDB, Oracle and stored procedures. LiteXDbHelper is simple ...
Implementation of RESTful Services using ASP.NET Core
Extensions for using Mapping Attribures with NHibernate.
Extensions for using NHibernate in Asp.Net Core.
The tool to display the sql generated by EntityFrameworkCore, developers can view the sql and the excute time via browser.
This package contains a hotfix to use a fixed version of the electron-builder dependency. Building cross platform electron based desktop apps with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. This package contains the dotnet tooling to electronize your application.
This package provides some extremely useful C# extensions on top of the base type string. These extensions can easily be used off of any string in C#. There is no need to add a using for any of these extensions, because it piggy-backs of the System namespace. The bulk of these extensions are simply...