Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

Models to use Identity API on MilNet Services
Template to use MilNet Services
Template for ASP.NET Core 2.2 WebApi + Vue.js Client app with webpack and hot reloading
Wiz DotNet Core Gateway Template
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
This package implements base logic for browser based web application startup configuration, including cookie authentication, automapping, exception handling and rest client through Refit.
This package implements logic for cookie authentication with refresh token mechanism through a JWT genereated by any Furiza Security Provider WebApi, making possible to work with the JWT generated for microservices webapis in browser based web applications.
This package implements base logic for web api startup configuration and basic controllers for authentication and user management.
This package implements base logic for web api startup configuration, including logging, caching, automapping, authentication, authorization, exception handling, api versioning and api documentation with Swagger.
ASP.NET Core implementation of a json-rpc engine, that supports communication through web-sockets.
Package Description
HTTP Api template. Included swagger and docker
Extension methods for adding Asp net core support
A package, which includes helpful auxiliary methods. With this package, software development is faster. Features: - Extensions - Helpers - Filters * AjaxOnlyAttribute * ContentTypeFilterAttribute * GlobalizationFilterAttribute * PasswordValidatorAttribute * PreventDuplicateReque...
Package Description
Policy based authorization to Asp.Net, WebApi
Policy based authorization to Asp.Net, Mvc