Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

PosInformatique.AspNet.WebForms.DependencyInjection is a library to add the IoC container support of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for ASP .NET Web Forms
This is forked from riskfirst/riskfirst.hateoas.models and will hopefully be decommissioned when and if our PR is merged into the main repo. Model classes for RiskFirst.Hateoas
Microsoft Orleans Http Endpoints
PosInformatique.AspNetCore.Server.AspNet is a library to host ASP .NET Core Web API on ASP .NET non-core (WebForms and MVC) infrastructure based on the .NET Framework.
Simplify work with Lib.Web.Mvc JqGrid
* Support Http Method Patch * HeadersHandler with option HandleHttpRequestHeaders
Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with jQuery. This requires a HttpClient library at
Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with AXIOS.
Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with Aurelia.
Boilerplate components for testable and convenient ASP.NET MVC development.
Boilerplate components for testable and convenient ASP.NET WebAPI development.
Steeltoe Messaging Base
Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with Fetch API.
Proyecto para utilizar los web services de Openpay.
Library for parsing and managing filter queries
Library for parsing and managing fields queries